Blog Authors

Designing Digital Future
As responsible of Human Resources, Barbara Kägi hires new people and takes care of our employee's well-being.

Barbara Kägi

Human Resources

Barbara has almost 15 years’ experience in Human Resources, mostly in IT companies. At Greenliff, Barbara is responsible for all HR related matters. Having recently completed her certification in “Strategic Human Resources Leadership” at eCornell, Barbara is also keen on putting the knowledge she has gained into practice.

Fun Fact: In Seoul, South Korea, she bumped into a famous K-pop star without realising it /o\

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As Software Engineer, David Guidali conceives software solutions for strategic customer projects.

David Guidali

Software Engineer

Having more than 10 years of experience in different environments and projects, David enjoys developing modern cross-platform mobile apps as well as desktop, web and cloud-based solutions. In his free time, David keeps his body fit by going to the gym and jogging. He also enjoys playing video games with friends and is a big fan of heavy metal and rock music. 

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As Head of Digital Product Design Dominique Hufschmid drives the development of emotionally appealing user experiences.

Dominique Hufschmid

Head of Digital Product Design

Dominique worked for several years as a designer in strategy-oriented brand agencies and shaped clients such as Roche, Helsana, Energie 360°, Migros and Heineken Switzerland. Based on the principles of Design Thinking, she drives the development of innovative digital products as well as simple and emotionally appealing user experiences. In her spare time, she loves practising sports and enjoys discovering new cities, countries, and cultures.

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Icon symbolising that a guest author wrote this article to share insights from his or her field of expertise.


Von Zeit zu Zeit bitten wir Gastautoren, uns Einblicke in Ihr Fachgebiet oder Ihre Branche zu geben. Dadurch möchten wir Themen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachten und neue Denkanstösse erhalten. 

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As Head of Testing Gianmarco Pani ensures testing is appropriately integrated into the software development lifecycle.

Gianmarco Pani

Head of Testing

Gianmarco has worked for the past 15 years in several countries, industries (among them aerospace, telecommunication and banking) and roles (system administrator, test manager, project manager, release manager, head of testing). At Greenliff, he ensures professional testing services of the highest quality are provided to customers. He spends his free time with his family and friends, reading and enjoying sports (learning to ski, for example).

Fun Fact: He's fond of pasta and coffee and claims he can prepare a proper "carbonara" better than most of the restaurants in Zürich.

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As Senior Test Manager, Hendrik Richter focuses primarily on agile testing and designs corresponding processes.

Hendrik Richter

Senior Test Manager

Hendrik is a passionate Test Manager, primarily in an agile way and can design corresponding processes as well. He has more than 10 years’ experience in banking and different industry areas. He is interested in all kinds of future technologies so you better not ask him how he sees the future – you may end up in a long discussion! He is head of a non-profit organisation hosting electronic music events and loves producing and Djing. If you’re looking for him, you’ll probably find him in his music studio... :-)


Fun Fact: As a DJ he has recorded over 300 hours of music.

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As CEO Markus Pilz is responsible to position Greenliff as successful and reliable Digital Product Design Agency.

Markus Pilz


Markus Pilz ist der Gründer und CEO von Greenliff und hat sich schon mit Programmierung und Softwareentwicklung auseinandergesetzt, als diese Industrie noch in den Kinderschuhen steckte. Vor rund 10 Jahren gründete Markus Pilz Greenliff, um seine Kunden von der Relevanz von professionellem Software-Testing zu überzeugen. In der Folge hat er seinen Kunden die Mittel und das Knowhow zur Verfügung gestellt, um Testing zu einem voll integrierten, gleichberechtigten Teil im Softwarezyklus zu entwickeln.

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As Test Manager, Neha Gupta develops and maintains testing procedures according pre-defined test cases.

Neha Gupta

Test Manager

Neha has worked for different IT companies in Switzerland for the past 15 years. She is fond of travelling. She enjoys spending time with family and friends when not at work.

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As Marketing Lead, Nicole Blum develops and implements overall marketing strategies at Greenliff.

Nicole Blum

Marketing Lead

Nicole has worked in various agencies for the past 15 years. In her last positions at Namics and Amazee Labs, she deepened her skills in online marketing and the digital world. Besides her role at Greenliff, she spreads her passion for marketing and communication by teaching future marketers. But her biggest passion is her two daughters and her family. In her free time, she cooks and bakes (a lot!) and does lots of sport to get rid of all the calories.

Fun Fact: Nicole used to play the saxophone in a village band and marched up and down the street in a yellow uniform.

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As Marketing Manager, Nicole Schlegel is responsibe for all operative marketing tasks and campaings.

Nicole Schlegel

Marketing Manager

Nicole is experienced in B2C and B2B marketing as well as in offline and online communication and now keen to spread Greenliff’s projects and services on the market. Outside of work she enjoys a variety of sports such as body combat and inline skating and likes to discover new places and cultures.

Fun Fact: With a slight tendency to clumsiness, she even once managed to fall off her office chair.

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As Head of Customer Solutions Stefan Hagenbuch maintains key customer relationships and develops strategies to expand the company’s customer base.

Stefan Hagenbuch

Head of Customer Solutions

Stefan hat mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in IT und ist aktuell bei Greenliff sowohl als Innovation Consultant wie auch Business Developer unterwegs. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Rollen bei kleinen und grossen Firmen (Microsoft) wie Produkt Manager, Marketing Manager, Consultant, Sysadmin, Windows und Netzwerk Engineer oder Architekt kennt er die IT Branche aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln. Was ihn antreibt, ist die Tatsache, dass es jeden Tag wieder Neues zu entdecken gibt und viele Personen wie auch Unternehmen ihr Potential noch nicht erkannt oder ausgeschöpft haben.

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As Software Engineer, Stuart engages with all sorts of projects in the software field.

Stuart Warren

Software Engineer

Stuart arbeitet seit etwas mehr als einem Jahr für Greenliff und ist für verschiedene Projekte im Softwarebereich verantwortlich. Stuart hat seine Karriere gerade erst begonnen und hofft, auch weiterhin mit einer breiten Palette von Produkten und Teams zusammenzuarbeiten, die ihn herausfordern und ihm helfen, seine Fähigkeiten zu erweitern.

Fun Fact: Um sich sein College zu finanzieren, arbeitete Stuart als Zauberer auf Kindergeburtstagen! 

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